Andrews International Transfer Partnership Program


所有加入bet365中文国际转学合作计划(AITP)的合格学生都可以获得奖学金 $14,000 per year 当他们转到bet365中文大学贝里恩斯普林斯校区全日制学习时.

To learn more, please click here



Explore our undergraduate programs and confirm your choice with your advisor. Once you’ve made your choice, 附属机构主任将帮助您审查bet365中文核心体验指南. 

Important Notice: 重要提示:AITP计划通常旨在提供本科学位, or areas of degree emphasis, 我们的合作院校可能不提供的课程.

Asia-Pacific International University, Saraburi

Hong Kong Adventist College, Hong Kong SAR China

Advisor, Henry Ya’ang, Registrar

  • Email:

  • WhatsApp

  • To get started, please connect with Mr. Heny in the registrar's office. His office is on the main floor of the Administration Building; you can also contact him by email him here.

Middle East University, Beirut

Pacific Adventist University, Papua New Guinea

Saniku Gakuin College, Japan

Universidad Peruana Unión, Lima

Advisor, Sandra Gutierrez

  • To get started, please connect with Sandra Gutierrez, Affiliations Director, by phone, +511-942-827-564, by WhatsApp, or by email.

  • 有关非正式和正式成绩单:请见UPeU注册官或FACIHED大楼(主楼)的Secretaría General。. You can also contact that office by phone: +511-618-6300, by e-mail or on our website

  • For a recommendation letter to the US embassy for your visa interview, You can contact Sandra Gutierrez by email, 或联系行政大楼(雷克托拉多)四楼Cooperación国家国际办公室。. 

  • 对于您在bet365中文大学申请时需要采取的其他具体步骤, 被录取并注册为bet365中文国际转学伙伴关系(AITP)学生, please review the complete details on this page.

  • Para obtener información additionen español sobre nuestra asociación international, puede leer más aquí.

  • 今天登录páginas del sitio web de la universsidad Andrews están configuradas para traducirse a su idioma preferido. Si su navegador no traduce automáticamente una página del sitio web, simplemente busque la opción“selecciar idioma”en la partite superior de las páginas y seleccione español.

University of Eastern Africa, Baraton

Advisor, Dr. Dorcas M. Marundu

  • To get started, please connect with Dr. Dorcas M. 马伦度,西澳大学质量保证官员,协助西澳大学附属机构和联系 email.

  • For unofficial and official transcripts, please see the UEAB registrar in the administration building. You can also contact that office by email.

  • Create an Andrews University account online; for complete details on applying, see Step 2: University Admissions/1: Create an account on the main AITP page.

  • For a recommendation letter to the US embassy for your visa interview, please see the Deputy Chancellor, Student Affairs (DVC-SAS) office in the administration building. You can also contact that office by email.

  • 对于您在bet365中文大学申请时需要采取的其他具体步骤, 被录取并注册为bet365中文国际转学伙伴关系(AITP)学生, please review the complete details on this page.

Valley View University, Ghana


  • Go here to create an account.
  • Complete the contact information section. 
  • Complete the address information section. 
  • 选择“本科生”作为你的级别,选择“转学”作为你的学生类型.
  • Under the "AITP, Internatational Transfer/Exchange and Country Agreements" section, be sure to select "Yes," and then select your University's name in the pulldown menu below.
  • Create a secure password following the instructions.
  • Click on “Create My Account.”
  • Once you log in, the system will show you the “My account” page. 
  • Click on “Apply Online,” located in the top menu.
  • Select the type of application you will be completing. 
  • 联系联盟主任以获得当前代码,该代码将免除您30美元的申请费.
  • Complete and submit the application. 
  • 提交申请后,“我的帐户”页面将显示在您的申请历史记录中.
  • Select your application and then click on “Submit Supplemental Items & Documents".
  • 上传所有入学文件,如考试成绩,成绩单等.
  • Once your application is complete, 我们的招生团队将审核您的所有文件并做出录取决定. 
  • Please Note: 专业课程可能需要额外的申请和录取程序来学习这些特定的学位课程. 这些课程可能有额外的GPA和先决课程要求,才有资格入学, 我们的转学招生团队将确认获得每个专业项目的全部录取所需的额外细节和步骤.
  • After the decision is made, we will send your admission decision letter.
  • 您的国际合作伙伴奖学金将在您的I-20申请过程中正式确认.


所有被录取的学生都必须在录取决定后提交正式的最终成绩单. 正式成绩单是从颁发机构或安全机构收到的学术记录, authenticated designated party. It must bear an institutional validation (such as seal, logo, or watermark), date, and appropriate signature. 收到的成绩单不符合这些要求将不被视为正式的.

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The following are I-20 requirements:

  • Copy of passport and mailing address to send the I-20 form.
  • 估计预算表,显示一学年的财政资源.
  • 证明你有能力支付第一年费用的财务报表.
  • $3,000国际学生押金(巴哈马公民不需要), Bermuda, Canada or Mexico)
  • $100 non-refundable International Student Fee.
  • $6,000 advance payment for first semester tuition & fees.

Additional details on the I-20 application process can be found here and here.

Ideally, 学生应该计划在学期开始前至少两个月完成所有这些I-20要求,以便有时间进行审查和批准, 一旦你收到你的I-20,你就有时间安排签证面试.

If you have additional questions, please email


当您收到您的I-20文件时,您将准备在最近的美国移民局安排预约.S. Embassy or Consulate office. Ideally, you’ll want to plan to have your U.S. 大使馆/领事馆面试不迟于课程开始前一到两个月.

  • After receiving the I-20 form, please pay your I-901 fee and print a copy of the receipt.
  • Book your embassy appointment and apply for an F1 student visa or other appropriate visa (email for details). 


Please note: 在你到达校园之前,你需要采取的所有最后步骤都可以找到 here

When you enter the United States for the first time as a student, by air or by border crossing, you must present your passport with student visa and your I-20. 请要求退还海关人员检查的所有文件,因为它们是您的财产,您必须在每个入境口岸出示它们.


Additional details on traveling to the US can be found here.


We want your final steps to be smooth and enjoyable! Follow the Steps to Start. 


Have questions? We have answers. 我们的工作人员致力于帮助您找到所需的答案.